Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Assessment of Problems of Developmental Stages


Some of the problems that may develop during infancy include feelings of insecurity caused by separation from mother unless a stable and satisfying substitute is provided. Both delayed weaning and too early introduction of semi solid may cause infants to resist new kinds of food.Some Infants may develop colic, which starts within first few weeks of life and reaches its peak at the age of 4 to 6 weeks and improves after 3-4 months. Breath holding spells may occur between the ages of six months and five years where child starts crying when frightened or frustrated. With crying most of the air in lungs is exhaled, vocal cords are narrowed and child becomes blue. Early toilet training makes infant uncooperative about establishing the habits when they are emotionally not ready. Over protected babies become over dependent and are afraid to do what other babies of their ages do.


The problems of childhood are related to various risk factors viz. severe marital distress, low social status, large family size, paternal criminality and maternal psychiatric disorders. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most frequently diagnosed child psychiatric disorder.Some emotional disorder such as conduct disorders and infantile autism are specific to childhood. Children with conduct disorders may engage in stealing covertly, running away from home, frequent lying, frequent truancy, exhibiting physical cruelty to other people and also to animals, initiating physical fights frequently etc.

Anxiety in children may lead to phobia, i.e. morbid, irrational and persistent fear. Sleep disturbances are also caused due to separation anxiety. Childhood depression often presents as headaches, chest pains, abdominal pains etc. Autistic disorder is a rare developmental disorder with onset in infancy or childhood. It is manifested by lack of responsiveness to others and withdrawal from social contact etc.

Adolescent experience adjustment disorders, which may be reactive or emotional in nature. They express through action rather than words. It is a way of defending again sexual impulses and a direct means of expressing aggressive drives. These behaviours are identified as acting out. It includes running away, truant behaviour shown by those who dislike school and are doing academically. They may also show problematic sexual behaviour. Adolescents not being prepared properly for the physiological changes or having greater sexual freedom, cheap availability of pornographic literature may lead to negative attitude towards sex. Substance abuse, depression and suicide are other problems, which may occur during adolescence. Two starting eating disorders of adolescence are Anorexia Nervosa, a starvation syndrome and bulimia. Bulimia is an episodic uncontrolled rapid ingestion of large quantities of food ending in self induced vomiting.

Young Adulthood
The most significant problems that affect the young adult include drug abuse and alcoholism.Depression is common among young adults. Suicide risk increases with drug abuse. Difficulties in marital adjustment are of major concern in this age. Unemployment and lack of job satisfaction lead to many other problems in young adults.

Middle Age
Problems of middle aged include physical changes such as graying of hair, wrinkling skin and excess fat deposition leading to alteration in body image. Anxiety may lead to overeating and obesity. Heart diseases and stroke may be caused by stress. Anxiety and depression may be present due to menopause in females and andropause in males. Short term memory decline may occur during this age. Paranoid ideas may develop in some people due to their limited abilities.Alcoholism and agitated depression are the major problems.

Old Age

Depression is a major problem among elderly and is associated with low self-esteem, feeling of worthlessness etc. Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders are causative factors for 50 percentof all dementias among the elderly. Suicide is another major problem particularly among the older men. Provision of opportunities to remain active and socially involved can help reduce the risk of suicide. Elder abuse is a common problem. Nurses need to provide support, health information and referrals to help elderly cope up with their problems.

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