Tuesday, November 18, 2014



Assessment is the first phase of the nursing process focusing on gathering information or data through history taking and observation including physical examination. The data relate to the client, family, group or community system, present and past medical history etc.Assessment is a continuous process through which you identify the human response patterns or functional health status of your clients (refer Annexure A).

  •  A broad knowledge base
  •  Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  •  Systematic observation involving inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion.
  •  Accurate interpretation and documentation
  •  Data Collection
  •  Organization of Data
  •  Documentation
Collection of Data

1) Identify the client by name, age, gender, address, Dr-in-charge and registration

2) Collect data as current and past health history of illness, family history of illness,

psychosocial patterns.

Example: Identify each of the following as current and historical data

3)Use primary and secondary sources to obtain pertinent data

Primary Source e.g.          Client

Secondary Source e.g.

Family/significant, other individuals in clients immediate environment
 Other members of health team
 Medical records/reports                      

4) Use different methods of data collection such as observation, physical examination. Four observation techniques are inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion. Clinical/laboratory examination: Read reports, examination such as testing may be done by the

5) Clarify doubts and validate subjective data by secondary sources and objective data.

Organization of Data: Subjective and Objective

You have a comprehensive information about your client. Organize it in a meaningful manner as current and historical subjective and objective data. Often you can use forms meant for documentation. Objective data indicate signs that you can observe and measure. Subjective data include those which the clients or others state, but you can not measure than overtly.

Documentation of Data

You must realize that assessment is incomplete without accurate documentation. Remember that data that are accurately collected, organized and documented. Use recording forms, some essential elements are tested.Characteristics

1) Documents must be easily accessible to different team members

2) Well documented data: Minimize repetitions, prevent gaps and provide baseline information

3) Facilitate delivery of quality care allow the nurse to validate, clarify and update data

4) Assured evaluation of individualized care, assist in demonstrating compliance with the
accepted standards (useful in audits)

5) Create a permanent legal record. May be used in protecting the client, the care providers and the agency.

6) Provide the foundation for nursing research.

Guidelines for Documentation of Client Data

1) Write entries objectively without bias, value judgements or personal opinions. Use question marks to clearly identify subjective statements. For example I think I am losing weight and have lost my appetite.

2) Support data with objective observations. For example Emotional status: depressed, sits alone, rarely initiates, conversation, limited eye contact and cries frequently.

3) Avoid generalization such as normal, good, moderately. Be specific, for example, normal bowel movement is more clearly defined as moves bowel every other day without the use of laxatives

4) Describe findings as thoroughly as possible. For example include details of measurements, depth, colour, odour, drainage while describing clients ulcer.

5) Write or print legibly in non-erasable ink, avoid erasing, crossing out and overwriting the entry.

6) Use correct grammar, 1spelling and abbreviations, avoid slang, labels, short forms.

7) Feed the organized data into the computer as per the policy of agency/unit.

Problem Solving and Nursing Process

By now you must have realized that the human responses, needs or patterns are the phenomena of concern to nurses who encounter two types of problems:

Actual Health Problems

Such as impact of illness on physiological (e.g. respiratory function, metabolism, homeostasis,level of consciousness), physical (e.g. comfort, nutrition, clothing), safety (e.g. from physical,psychosocial trauma/insult), socialization, self-concept and self-esteem (identity), industry,integrity, roles, achievement), and self-actualization (sense of spiritual fulfilment) status of clients.

Potential Health Problems

Such as risk for complications, failure or non-adherence to treatment/therapy, educational needs for information and concern to develop health oriented attitudes and skills.Human responses are dynamic in nature and change as the client progresses along the continuum between health and illness. The nurse assists the clients solve these problems through three types of nursing functions:

Types of Nursing Functions
  •  Indepenent e.g. initiating intake and output recording.
  •  Interdependent e.g. educating client about the therapeutic nutrition in consultation with the dietitian.
  •  Dependent e.g. maintains intravenous therapy. That is carrying out doctors order on medication.
Remember, whatever the type of functions the nurse carries out, the nurse uses a problem solving approach or nursing process. This deliberate approach requires following skills:
  •  Cognitive or mental abilities e.g. applying knowledge, thinking critically, analyzing,judgement and decision making.
  •  Affective e.g. attitudes, values, acceptance and respect for self and clients, inter-actional activities.
  •  Psychomotor e.g. technical skills such as administering medicines, dressing and bathing.
Comparison of the Problem-Solving Process and the Nursing Process

The problem process involves:

1) The systematic identification of a problem

2) Determination of goals related to the problem

3) Identification of possible solutions to achieve these goals

4) Implementation of selected solutions

5) Evaluation of goal achievement.

We use problem-solving approach in daily activities and nursing practice. For example, you use problem solving in deciding what to wear, when it is raining or while nursing a tracheotomy patient how to communicate.

The nursing process is a subset of problem solving process (see Fig.). You have already learnt the steps as:

1) Assessment

2) Nursing diagnosis

3) Planning

4) Implementation

5) Evaluation and modification of plan

The problem solving process and the nursing process are cyclic (Burns and Grove, 1987).

Corporation of the problem solving and the nursing process.

Problem solving through nursing process is described, Fig. in the following manner.
Problem solving/nursing process
Problem solving/nursing process

In order to solve the nursing and medical problems of your clients, you must learn the use of systematic problem solving techniques. Identify the following prerequisites for efficient use of nursing process:
  •  Comprehensive knowledge base
  •  Experience and skills in the field
  •  Professional commitment (such as belief, ethical base accurately).
Relationship between problem-solving and nursing process
Relationship between problem-solving and nursing process
Let us now go through each stage of this problem solving process for solving our client health problems. Apply this knowledge while practicing nursing in selected clinical areas.